Huge crush for this paper lanterns chandelier designed by Estelle Williot.
Here are some tips if you want to recreate the same in your home:
- Hang first the biggest paper lantern 35cm or 50cm. You can use an electric frame with bulb to hang it (can be found at IKEA or DIY stores). Make sure to place the bulb in the very center of the lantern for safety reasons.
- Use the mall hook in “c” shape at the top of the lantern’s metallic structure to secure the electric cord. Only the central lantern can be lit. Do not hang all the other paper lanterns on the electric frame. It is better to use small hooks screwed directly in the ceiling (or strong tape for the small items).
- Use fishing line. It is transparent and you can easily adjust the string.
Here are the lanterns used for this chandelier, that you can find in our boutique:
- 1 accordion lantern- 30cm – vintage rose
- 1 accordion lantern – 30cm – vintage rose
- 1 star lantern -60cm – white
- 1 paper lantern – 35cm ou 50cm – iced melon
- 3 pompoms – 40cm – vanilla cream
- 1 accordion lantern – 30cm – rose blush
- 1 accordion lantern – 20cm – rose blush
- 1 accordion lantern – 30cm – new yellow
- 1 accordion lantern – 20cm – new yellow

More beautiful paper lanterns to decorate your girl’s bedroom in our boutique!